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Swedish Royal Armoury – Livrustkammaren
The Royal Armoury is the oldest museum in Sweden, established in 1628 by King Gustav II Adolph when he decided that his clothes from his campaign in Poland should be preserved.
Located in the cellars of the Royal Palace in Stockholm, the Swedish Royal Armoury shows the history of Sweden’s kings and queens from Gustav Vasa (1496-1560) until to day through arms and armours,robes from royal weddings and coronations in addition to several exquisite state coaches from the 17th and 18th centuries.
The Royal Armoury also houses historic items like the blood-stained shirts which Gustav II Adolph was wearing when he was killed in the battle at Lützen in 1632 during the Thirty Years’ War. Another highly interesting item on display is the costume used by Gustav III when he was assassinated at the Royal Opera in in Stockholm in 1792 during a masqued ball. You can also see the uniform worn by Karl XII (1682-1718) when he was killed in the trenches at Fredriksten, (Norway) in 1718.
Museum details
Slottsbacken 3, Stockholm
(The Royal Palace)
Opening hours
Daily 10.00-18.00
Contact details
(+46) (0)8 4023030
Web: http://lrk.lsh.se
Getting there
The Royal Palace, Stockholm (Gamla Stan).
Källa www.stockholmmuseum.com/museums/historic/swedish-royal-armoury-livrustkammaren.htm.